वर्ल्ड ऑफ़ साईं ग्रुप में आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है । श्री साईं जी के ब्लॉग में आने के लिए आपका कोटि कोटि धन्यवाद । श्री साईं जी की कृपा आप सब पर सदैव बनी रहे ।

शिर्डी के साँई बाबा जी के दर्शनों का सीधा प्रसारण... अधिक जानने के लियें पूरा पेज अवश्य देखें

शिर्डी से सीधा प्रसारण ,... "श्री साँई बाबा संस्थान, शिर्डी " ... के सौजन्य से... सीधे प्रसारण का समय ... प्रात: काल 4:00 बजे से रात्री 11:15 बजे तक ... सीधे प्रसारण का इस ब्लॉग पर प्रसारण केवल उन्ही साँई भक्तो को ध्यान में रख कर किया जा रहा है जो किसी कारणवश बाबा जी के दर्शन नहीं कर पाते है और वह भक्त उससे अछूता भी नहीं रहना चाहते,... हम इसे अपने ब्लॉग पर किसी व्यव्सायिक मकसद से प्रदर्शित नहीं कर रहे है। ...ॐ साँई राम जी...

Saturday, 10 December 2011

All About Sri Sai Satcharitra Parayan

ॐ साईं राम
All About Sri Sai Satcharitra Parayan 

"Many a time devotees are writing about Mahima and power of Sri Sai SatCharitra and they are mentioning about weekly Parayan .Many mails come to me asking for what is Sai Satcharitra Parayan and what is the procedure to do it ?Instead of replying individual mail I decided to write a post on this so that each devotee who is new to Sai Satcharitra reading or parayan can understand better from this post .

Whatever I am going to write about Sai Satcharitra Parayan is what I have read ,heard and I am myself following, so if any devotee who finds it different than what they are doing are welcome to suggest or add value to the already posted article.

Like everyone has their own way of worshipping their deity similarly reading Sai Satcharitra and doing its Parayan or weekly Parayan is also an individual choice. Baba did not like rituals, and what ever I am writing is good practice or suggested practice.

I shall be writing common method what Sai devotees generally follow .Along with this I am also attaching the authentic details and references from Sai Satcharitra which can be taken as golden words/rule and can be followed and understood by new readers for Sai Satcharitra reading.

Before writing in detail about Parayan I shall like to mention i for new readers how Sai Satcharitra came into existence and how it was blessed by Baba HIMSELF to Hemadpant.

The complete detail about the same can be read from Sai Satcharitra book chapter 2 and 3 .Here I have extracted few related details for direct and better understanding of the devotees in 9 points.

After this I shall explain how Parayan/weekly Parayan(Saptah) should be done and finally the benefit of reading Sai Satcharitra ,prayer to Lord Sai ,followed by Prasad Yachna (Offering of Prasad.) Jai Sai Ram .

Origin of writing Sai Satcharitra and Baba’s blessing to Author of the book :

1. When Hemadpant(writer of Sri Sai Satcharitra) heard miracles of Sai Baba the delight he got, burst forth into poetic work. Hemandpant thought, that the description of these grand miracles of Sai Baba would be interesting, and instructive to His devotees; and would remove their sins, and so he began to write the sacred life and teachings of Sai Baba.

2. Hemadpant thought that he was not a fit person to undertake the work. He said, "I do not know the life of my intimate friend nor do I know my own mind, then how can I write the life of a saint or describe the nature of Incarnations, which even the Vedas were unable to do? One must be a saint himself, before he could know other saints, then how can I describe their glory? To write the life of a saint is the most difficult. He knew, that this was the most venturous undertaking, which might expose him to ridicule. He, therefore, invoked Sai Baba’s grace.

3. Many books and magazine were being written on Sai Baba during that time.Then the question of objection came in, that while so many works regarding Sai Baba were extant, why should this (Satcharita) be written? And where is its necessity? The answer came plain and simple. The life of Sai Baba is as wide and deep as the infinite ocean; and all can dive deep into the same and take out precious gems (of knowledge and Bhakti), and distribute them to the aspiring public. The stories, parables, and teachings of Sai Baba are very wonderful. They will give peace and happiness to the people, who are afflicted with sorrows and heavily loaded with miseries of this worldly existence, and also bestow knowledge and wisdom, both in the worldly and in spiritual domains. If these teachings of Sai Baba, which are as interesting and instructive as the Vedic lore, are listened to and meditated upon, the devotees will get, what they long for, viz., union with Brahman, mastery in eight-fold Yoga, Bliss of meditation etc.

4. So Hemandpant thought that he should call these stories together that would be his best Upasana. This collection would be most delightful to those simple souls, whose eyes were not blessed with Sai Baba’s darshana. So, he set about collecting Sai Baba’s teachings and expressions - the outcome of His boundless and natural self-realization. It was Sai Baba, who inspired him in this matter; in fact, Hemandpant surrendered his ego at Baba’s feet, and thought that his path was clear; and that Baba would make him quite happy here, and in the next world.
5. Hemandpant could not ask Sai Baba to give him permission for this work; so he requested Mr. Madhavrao Deshpande alias Shama, Baba’s most intimate devotee, to speak to Him.. He pleaded for Hemandpant’s cause and said to Sai Baba, "This Annasaheb wishes to write Your biography, don’t say that You are a poor begging Fakir, and there is no necessity to write it, but if You agree and help him, he will write or rather, Your feet (grace) will accomplish the work. Without Your consent and blessing, nothing can be done successfully." When Sai Baba heard this request, He was moved and blessed Hemandpant by giving him His Udi (sacred ashes) and placing His boon-bestowing hand on his head said :- "Let him make a collection of stories and experiences, keep notes and memos; I will help him. He is only an outward instrument. I should write Myself My autobiography and satisfy the wishes of My devotees. He should get rid of his ego, place (or surrender) it at My feet. He who acts like this in life, him I help the most. What of My life-stories? I serve him in his house in all possible ways. When his ego is completely annihilated and there is left no trace of it, I Myself shall enter into him and shall Myself write My own life. Hearing my stories and teachings will create faith in devotees’ hearts and they will easily get self - realization and Bliss; let there be no insistence on establishing one’s own view, no attempt to refute other’s opinions, no discussions of pros and cons of any subject."

6. Sai Baba gave His complete assent to the writing of the Sat-Charita to Hemandpant and said, "I fully agree with you regarding the writing of Sat Charita. You do your duty, don’t be afraid in the least, steady your mind and have faith in My words. If My Leelas are written, the Avidya (nescience) will vanish and if they are attentively, and devoutly listened to, the consciousness of the worldly existence will abate, and strong waves of devotion, and love will rise up and if one dives deep into My Leelas, he would get precious jewels of knowledge."

7. Hearing this, author was much pleased, and he at once became fearless and confident, and thought that work was bound to be a success. Then turning to Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) Sai Baba said. "If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment. It is My special characteristic to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who does worship Me faithfully, and who remembers Me, and meditates on Me constantly. How can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My name, who worship Me, who think of My stories and My life and who thus always remember Me? I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of Death. If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid of. So, hear My stories with respect; and think and meditate on them, assimilate them. This is the way of happiness and contentment. The pride and egoism of My devotees will vanish, the mind of the hearers will be set at rest; and if it has wholehearted and complete faith, it will be one with Supreme Consciousness. The simple remembrance of My name as ‘Sai, Sai’ will do away with sins of speech and hearing".

8. The Lord entrusts different works to different devotees. Some are given the work of building temples and maths, or ghats (flight of steps) on rivers; some are made to sing the glories of God; some are sent on pilgrimages; but to me(Hemadpant) was allotted the work of writing the Sai SatCharita. Being a jack-of-all-trades but master of none, Hemandpant was quite unqualified for this job. Then why should he undertake such a difficult job? Who can describe the true life of Sai Baba? Sai Baba’s grace alone can enable one to accomplish this difficult work. So, when he took up the pen in his hand, Sai Baba took away his egoism and wrote Himself His stories. The credit of relating these stories, therefore, goes to Him (Sai Baba)and not to me says Hemandpant . Hemandpants says “though Brahmin by birth, I lacked the two eyes. (i.e. the sight or vision) of Shruti and Smriti and therefore was not at all capable of writing the Sai Sat-Charita, but the grace of the Lord makes a dumb man talk, enables a lame man to cross a mountain. He alone knows the knack of getting things done, as He likes.

9. Light houses are constructed at various places in the sea, to enable the boatmen to avoid rocks and dangers, and make them sail safely. Sai Baba’s stories serve a similar purpose in the ocean of worldly existence. They surpass nectar in sweetness, and make our worldly path smooth and easy to traverse. Blessed are the stories of the saints. When they enter our hearts through the ears, the body - consciousness or egoism and the sense of duality vanish; and when they are stored in the heart, doubts fly out to all sides, pride of the body will fall, and wisdom will be stored in abundance. The description of Baba’s pure fame, and the hearing of the same, with love, will destroy the sins of the devotee and, therefore, this is the simple Sadhana for attaining salvation. The Sadhana for Krita Age was Shamadama (tranquillity of mind and body), for Treta Age, sacrifice, for Dwapara, worship, and for Kali (present) Age, it is singing of the name and glory of the Lord. This last Sadhana is open to all the people of the four varnas (Brahmins, etc.). The other Sadhanas, viz. Yoga, Yagya (sacrifice), Dhyana (meditation) and Dharana (concentration) are very difficult to practice, but singing and hearing the stories and the glory of the Lord (Sai Baba) is very easy. We have only to turn our attention towards them. The listening and singing of the stories will remove the attachment to the senses and their objects, and will make the devotees dispassionate, and will ultimately lead them to self-realization. With this end in view, Sai Baba made Hemandpant or helped Hamandpant to write His stories, Sri Sat-Charitamrita. The devotees may now easily read and hear these stories of Sai Baba and while doing so, meditate on Him, His form and thus attain devotion to Guru and God (Sai Baba), get detachment and self-realization. In the preparation and writing of this work, Sat-Charitamrita, it is Sai Baba’s grace which has accomplished everything, making use of (Me)Hemandpant as a mere instrument.

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एक 18 साल का लड़का ट्रेन में खिड़की के पास वाली सीट पर बैठा था. अचानक वो ख़ुशी में जोर से चिल्लाया "पिताजी, वो देखो, पेड़ पीछे जा रहा हैं". उसके पिता ने स्नेह से उसके सर पर हाँथ फिराया. वो लड़का फिर चिल्लाया "पिताजी वो देखो, आसमान में बादल भी ट्रेन के साथ साथ चल रहे हैं". पिता की आँखों से आंसू निकल गए. पास बैठा आदमी ये सब देख रहा था. उसने कहा इतना बड़ा होने के बाद भी आपका लड़का बच्चो जैसी हरकते कर रहा हैं. आप इसको किसी अच्छे डॉक्टर से क्यों नहीं दिखाते?? पिता ने कहा की वो लोग डॉक्टर के पास से ही आ रहे हैं. मेरा बेटा जनम से अँधा था, आज ही उसको नयी आँखे मिली हैं. #नेत्रदान करे. किसी की जिंदगी में रौशनी भरे.